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Useful information for further research on Korean economy

Modularization of Korea’s Development Experience

March 1, 2022l Hit 495

Modularization of Korea’s Development Experience (KDI)

  • A Case Study on the Legal Framework and Financing of Transport Infrastructure
  • A Safeguarding System for Cultural Heritage in Korea_Focused on the Activities of Restoration, Transmission, and Protection of Designated Cultural Properties
  • A Study on the Korean Government's Supporting Measures for Private Firms' Science, Technology, and Innovation Promotion
  • Agricultural Extension System in Korea_Lessons from 1962 to 1997
  • Analysis on Development and Achievement of Compulsory Elementary Education after the Korean War
  • Building an Employment Service System for Efficient Utilization of National Human Resources
  • Building Technological Capabilities_Four Cases from Manufacturing Sectors in Korea
  • Construction and Utilization of National Transport Database
  • Construction of High Speed Rail in KOREA
  • Crisis and Corporate Insolvency
  • Development and Operation of Workers’ Compensation Insurance Scheme in S. Korea
  • Development History of the Korea Customs Service and its Automation
  • Development of Korean Statistical System
  • Development Process and Outcomes of Adult Literacy Education in Korea
  • Early Warning System for Financial Crisis
  • Economic Development Model of the Development in Skill-intensive Textile Industry
  • Education and Training Program for Capacity Development for Korean Government Officials
  • Enhancing Transparency in Real Estate Ownership and Transaction_Cases of Two Policy Reforms in Korea
  • Establishment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
  • Establishment of Korea’s Infectious Disease Surveillance System
  • Expansion of Educational Provision
  • Experience of Korea Policy Formulation for Drug-free Country_Deprive Proceeds Acquired from Illegal Transaction of Narcotics
  • Experiences and Lessons of Green Growth
  • Experiences and Methodology of Korea’s Anti-Money Laundering System Deployment and Development
  • Export Promotion
  • Focusing on Public Wholesale Market Construction and Management
  • Foreign Capital in Economic Development_Korean Experiences and Policies
  • Gender Mainstreaming in Policy Making_Gender Impact Assessment and Gender Budgeting in Korea
  • Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Agricultural Food Safety Management
  • Healthcare Improvement Activities of Public Health Centers in Rural Areas
  • Impact of Foreign Aid on Korea’s Development
  • Individual Performance Appraisal in the Government of Korea
  • Industrial Park Development Strategy and Management Practices
  • Information Security Activities in Korea and Implications
  • Informing the Public on Policy Issues and Promoting Economic Literacy
  • Innovation of Immigration Inspection Policy in Korea
  • Innovations in Taxation Policy
  • Institutionalization of the Informal Credit Market and Financial Inclusion in Korea
  • Institutions and Policy Measures for the Development of Korea's Asset Management Industry
  • IT Promotion
  • Korea’s Automotive Industry
  • Korea’s Capital Market Promotion Policies_IPOs and Other Supplementary Policy Experiences
  • Korea’s Experience of Introducing the Real-Name Financial System
  • Korea’s Experience of Operating Anti-corruption Criminal Justice Policy
  • Korea’s Fiscal Stabilization Policies of Transition Period Economic Policy in the 1980s
  • Korea’s Intellectual Property Rights System and its Application to the Phases of Industrial Development_Focusing on the Patent System
  • Korea’s River Basin Management Policy
  • Korea’s Stabilization Policies in the 1980s
  • Korea’s Volume-based Waste Fee System_A Case Study for Presentation in the Classroom
  • Korean Experience of Financial Management Information System_Construction, Operation, and Results
  • Korean Public Toilet Improvement Experience and its Implications
  • Korean Version of New Town Development
  • Korea's Developmental Experiences in Operating Competition Policies for Lasting Economic Development
  • Korea's Government Performance Evaluation System and Operating Experience
  • Korea's Support Policies for Single-parent Families
  • Land Reform in Korea
  • Legal Infrastructure for Foreign Investment
  • Legislation on the Creation, Development and Management of Industrial Complexes
  • Localizing E-Government in Korea
  • Medical Professional Retraining Program
  • Modernization of Public District General Hospitals
  • Nanjido Eco Park Restoration from Waste Dumping Site
  • National Power Grid Development Project For Stable Power Supply
  • National Standards Infrastructure Underpinning the Economic Growth of Korea
  • National Territorial and Regional Development Policy_Focusing on Comprehensive National Territorial Plan
  • New Research on Saemaul Undong_Lessons and Insights from Korea’s Development Experience
  • Operation of Agricultural Cooperative for Rural Development
  • Operation of the Economic Planning Board in the Era of High Economic Growth in Korea
  • Operational Experience on Women’s Vocational Education and Training Support System and Project
  • Policy for the Construction and Supply of Affordable Housing in Korea
  • Policy Implementation and Governance during the Era of the High Economic Growth in Korea
  • Private Sector Development
  • Productivity Improvement
  • Public Investment Management Reform in Korea_Efforts for Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability of Public Expenditure
  • R&D and Technical Education
  • Regulatory Reform and Economic Development-Korea‘s Experience in Regulatory Reform
  • Role and Function of the National Technical Qualification System in the Development of Vocational Ability
  • Role of Private Schools in Korea's Educational Development
  • Rural Electrification Project for Expansion of Power Supply
  • Small and Medium Enterprises Legal System
  • Small and Medium Enterprises Policy Funds Financing System
  • SME Financing
  • South Korea’s Voluntary Unilateral Import Liberalization During the 1st Half of 1980s
  • Structural Adjustment Policies of Korea’s Coal Industry
  • Successful Strategy for Training Teachers in Korean Education
  • Technical Engineering Education Model of Korea Polytechnic University (KPU)
  • The Advancement of Animal and Plant Quarantine
  • The Development of Vocational High Schools in Korea during the Industrialization Period
  • The Empirical Review of National Health Insurance in Korea
  • The Evolution of the Resident Registration System in Korea
  • The Green Revolution in Korea_Development and Dissemination of Tongil-type Rice Varieties
  • The Internalization of Science and Technology in the earlier stage of Economic Development in South Korea
  • The Introduction of e-Government in Korea
  • The Operation of Nationwide Health Insurance and its Implications
  • The Operation of the Environmental Charging System in Korea
  • The Regulatory Reform System and Policy_A Guillotine Rule of Regulatory Clearance for Economic Crisis Management
  • The Success Story of the Cultural Industry in Korea_The Case of the Game Industry
  • The Successful Cases of the Korea’s Saemaul Undong (New Community Movement)
  • Think Tanks of Korea_Contributions to Economic Development and Their Evolution
  • Trade Liberalization
  • Vocational Training of Persons with Disabilities in Korea
  • Vocational Training System for a Skilled Workforce
  • Volume-based Waste Fee System in Korea
  • White Revolution of Agriculture in Korea_The Achievement of Year-round Production and Distribution of Horticultural Crops by the Expansion of Greenhouse Cultivation
  • Why the Saemaul Undong is So Important to Understanding Korea’s Social and Economic Transformation