
KEKA Formally established as a Government-funded Research Center

2021-07-01l 조회수 710

After careful consideration by the Steering Committee for Research Affairs, Seoul National University has approved the establishment of the Center for Korean Economy and K-Academics at SNU (KEKA), a government-funded research center. A government-funded research center may be set up in accordance with “The Regulation on the Establishment and Operation of Government-funded Research Centers at Seoul National University,” whereby projects with a total budget of 400 million won or more and a research duration of 5 years or longer are eligible. At SNU, there are currently 34 government-funded research centers in operation, with the KEKA being the only one in the humanities and social sciences. The KEKA will be operational from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2026. Cho, Young-Jun, a professor of economics at Seoul National University’s College of Social Sciences, has been named the center’s director.


The following is a list of SNU's government-funded research centers.
